Europe on Verge of Civil War, as Muslim ‘migrants’ Live Rent-free & Swedes Are Asked to Give up Their Country Homes

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

As the governments of continental Europe continue to accomodate Muslim “refugees” and migrants at the expense of their own peoples, some are sounding the alarm that Europe is on the verge of civil war.

In Sweden, as reported by Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet (via Sputnik News), residents in the municipality of Norrtälje, north of Stockholm, are “encouraged” to allow freshly arrived immigrants to live in their country homes this winter.

Norrtälje authorities asked the residents in a targeted mailing: “Does your country house stand empty in winter?” The idea is to address the acute housing shortage by matching up home owners with homeless immigrants.

Ali Rashidi, head of social services at Norrtälje Municipality, said that in some cases, the municipality may step in and ensure rents will be paid in full: “Most of the people are well-behaved. Besides, refugees get establishment support from the Employment Service, which should also suffice to pay the rent.”

Meanwhile, in Germany, the city government of Willich approved a contract with the MegaVillage AG corporation to build 70 new houses that will be the first official refugee village right in the middle of a German town.

According to Investment Watch Blog, each new home will be fully equipped with all the necessities, where “migrant” families will live rent free. The refugee village will also have two cafetarias, community dining rooms, laundry rooms and on-site doctors. Nearby are grocery stores, schools and kindergartens.

To pay for the new construction, the city of Willich has allocated an additional 2 million Euros in addition to the current 7.5 million€ to house 280 “refugees”. That comes to roughly 15,000€ per refugee per year just for housing. When health care, administrative and unemployment benefits are added to the housing, the total expenditure comes to 50,000€ per refugee — 4,000€ more than the average 46,000€ wage of German workers.

German chancellor Angela Merkel’s “open border” refugee policy already has resulted in the country taking in more than 1.2 million “refugees” last year. The German government intends to spend a total of €93.6 billion on the “refugees” through 2020. This in spite of the fact that 860,000 German citizens are currently homeless; millions of pensioners live below the poverty line and must resort to collecting returnable bottles or eating cat food; and many German families choose not to have children because they simply cannot afford it.

All of which has led to a surge in popularity of new, so-called “right wing” parties in Europe, notably the AfD (Alternative for Germany), which has won 25% of the vote in their first elections.

Some European leaders are sounding the alarm that the continent in on the verge of civil war due to popular frustration over the “refugee” invasion.

1) France

A city councilor in southern France warns that some French citizens are gearing up for civil war as gun club memberships exploded in the aftermath of three massive terror attacks that have rocked the country.

As reported by Paul Joseph Watson for InfoWars, July 18, 2016, Jonathan Miller, an elected council member in the village of Caux, writes in an op/ed titled, “What next? Could France be facing a civil war?,”that the recent Nice truck attack has “shaken France to the brink of a terrifying escalation” and the country “may be on the edge of something resembling a civil war.”

According to Miller, membership in his local gun club has “quadrupled, from 200 to 800 members” in the last few months alone. One village resident told Miller that “They’re getting ready for a war.”

Miller writes, “I talk to a lot of people at every level of French society and I am detecting a change of mood. And the mood is turning nasty.” He is “no longer taking for granted that they will put up with this much longer.”

Miller explains that a lot of citizens are voting for right-wing politicians not because they are neo-fascists but because “They are frightened” and nobody aside from people like Marine Le Pen have offered anything different from President François Hollande’s feeble response to the terrorist attacks or Prime Minister Manuel Valls’ defeatist admonition that France must “learn to live” with terror attacks, for which Valls was booed by the crowd as he attended a memorial in Nice.

Miller is not the only prominent voice to warn of the potential for civil war in France.

Even before the latest attack in Nice, Patrick Calvar, head of the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI), told members of a French parliamentary commission that “We are on the brink of civil war” and that one or two more jihadist terror attacks or a Cologne-style mass molestation incident could lead to a huge right-wing backlash.

According to intelligence sources, the French government’s security forces are preparing for mass civil unrest as radicalized immigrants take over entire neighborhoods.

2) Switzerland

Meanwhile, in Switzerland, Army chief Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the people of Europe that a civil war is about to breakout. Blattmann warns fellow Swiss that society is so close to breaking down that they must take steps to arm and protect themselves from the inevitable civil war. reports that Blattmann has been head of the Armed Forces since March 1, 2009, “and his words carry very significant weight in a country in which several Citizens’ Initiative referenda against burqas and mosques have proven enormously popular as concerns grow about immigration and Islamisation. In the last two World Wars, the Swiss combination of mountains and armed citizenry preserved the country’s peace and neutrality, but in the coming conflict, Switzerland already has its own massive fifth column.”

According to Investment Watch Blog, the newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten reports that Blattman said:

“The situation is growing increasingly risky. The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions. Social unrest can not be ruled out [as the vocabulary in public discourse become] dangerously aggressive.”

Blattmann reminds Swiss that Switzerland’s neighboring countries, France and Austria, both face massive problems with immigration, Islamization, and the elite’s repression of general concern about what is going on. Social unrest in those countries could bleed into Switzerland, which is why Swiss must arm themselves.

H/t What Really Happened

See also:

  • Europeans declare war on ‘refugees’ with grenade and vigilante attacks
  • Europeans stocking up on guns after massive sex attacks
  • Onlookers cheer as German refugee home burns
  • Police deploy tear gas at Calais refugee camp in France
  • Letter from Germany: Europe is in chaos
  • Crocodile tears: George Soros says Europe on verge of collapse
  • Soros aids invasion of Christian Europe by Muslim refugees, says Hungary prime minister
  • Women are warned not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after multiple sex attacks by “foreigners”
  • Migrants in Greece to be handed cash in envelopes to “maintain their dignity”
  • Europe’s ‘refugee’ crisis and the Kalergi plan for white genocide
  • Czech president: ‘It’s practically impossible to integrate Muslims into Western Europe‘
  • 1,216 rabbis sign letter to lobby Congress to welcome ‘refugees’
  • Despicable: Evangelical leaders use ‘Jesus was a refugee’ to lobby Congress
