EURid Second Quarter Progress Report – Registrations Increase 0.9 %

Posted on the 06 October 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

Eurid released its second quarter report. You can download the pdf which gives a complete breakdown of stats and graphs.

During Q2 2014, the number of .eu registrations increased by 32,791 domain names, a net increase of 0.9%, to 3.83 million. The total number of .eu domain names registered at the end of Q2 represented an increase of 4.2%, or 122,450 registrations, when compared with the total number at the end of Q2 2013. The number of Internationalised Domain Names(IDNs) in the .eu portfolio at the end of Q2 2014 was 52,499, or 1.4% of all registrations. The number of IDNs as a percentage of new registrations is at the same level as that of other registries. The number of DNSSEC signed names was 265,237 or 6.9% of all registrations.