
Posted on the 19 September 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

I have been to and through different states both riding through and to visit.

I am a native New Yorker though, and would never dream of permanently residing anywhere else. This is just my preference.

All over we will find people who are rude or unpleasant.

Hey, there have been times in life where I have acted rude toward someone.

However, my impolite behavior was never a habit or a petty reflection of my character.

I have always had manners and demonstrated courtesy. Yet I am feisty and that side will manifest when provoked or by natural propensity.

Most of the time I am calm cool and collected.

One thing I find annoying, unnecessary, and idiotic is people who do not know how to say “excuse me”. Those people who push by, through, or up against you recklessly or arrogantly.

I can understand a losing of balance, distraction, or any other innocent happening. None of us are perfect.

What really is infuriating is when I hold on to the bus pole and someone expects me to let go so they can go in between me to sit down instead of just walking around me.

I have never ever tried to go between anyone holding onto a bus or train pole I always walked around them to pass by. I could care less about a seat. I refused to sit on those germ-infested seats far before Covid came about anyway.

It is all about common sense as well as having some civility.

While I had already had this subject in mind, by coincidence, I had saw a video recording broadcasted on the news last week of a young guy who viciously and violently kicked a young lady down a subway escalator.

The reason for his malicious action was because after he had rudely pushed by her, she acknowledged to him that he could have said, “Excuse Me”.

In my opinion, the lady had said nothing wrong. However, in this day and age many individuals are sicker than ever. They do not respond well to logic or reason, especially if they have a certain type of attitude.

There is a time to speak or take up for one’s self. There are also times to remain quiet and to just let things be, depending on the situation. It could be a matter of life or death in some instances.

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