Estelle Best Builds in Omega Strikers – Tips, Tricks and Strategies

Posted on the 28 September 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 28 September, 2022

Estelle Best Builds in Omega Strikers – Choose the best build for the Estelle character with its most powerful abilities and equipment!

In Omega Strikers, there are many characters to choose from. Players should consider which one best suits their preferences and which complements their team. Scoring enthusiasts should consider Estelle; she’s a great forward and sniper. We recommend builds for Estelle below.

Estelle Best Builds in Omega Strikers – Trainings and Perks

Getting the most out of your character requires understanding trainings. These are passive perks available to use that can change how you play and how effective you are. There are three trainings allowed per character, and they’re considered essential to maximizing efficiency. Estelle requires specific trainings depending on if you want to play her as a forward or a goalie. We recommend the following trainings for Estelle in Omega Strikers.

Estelle Best Builds in Omega Strikers – Forward Build

That’s where Estelle shines, because her outfit is so repulsive. Crossover gives her extra speed, which goes well with her Rose Warp mobility. Rapid Fire allows you to cast Piercing Shot more often, which is great for hitting the core or surprising unsuspecting players. Finally, Missile Propulsion power most of Estelle’s gear, making her more dangerous and dealing more damage.


  • Strikes gain 35% Haste for 1.5 seconds.

Rapid Fire

  • Primary skill cooldowns reduced by 12%. Maximum level increased to 25%.

Missile Propulsion

  • Projectiles gain 35% movement or cast range and have 5% increased chance to hit.

Estelle Best Builds in Omega Strikers – Goalkeeper Build

There’s no real reason to choose Estelle as your goalie, but as long as your attackers keep opposing attackers busy, she can manage the position well. You should use Rapid Fire and Missile propulsion and penetrating shots to keep the core away from the target. Built Differently make you taller, combined with rosary and crystal thorns, allowing you to cover most targets.

Rapid Fire

  • Primary skill cooldowns reduced by 12%. Maximum level increased to 25%.

Built Differently

  • Gain 35% bonus and 5% increased attack power.

Missile Propulsion

  • Projectiles gain 35% movement or cast range and have 5% increased chance to hit.

Estelle’s play mode in Omega Strikers – Tips, Tricks and Strategies

Estelle has excellent mobility and a powerful kit that makes her an exceptional forward and offensive striker. As a forward when playing as Estelle, you should focus on scoring goals rather than knocking out opponents. However, her range allows her to play midfield well.

Piercing Shot is a very useful ability. It can be used for long-range pokes, short-range pokes, shooting goals and pressuring opponents. One strategy we like to use with Piercing Shot is using your basic attack to send the core at the goalie. Then, right as the goalie hits the core, use Piercing Shot to quickly hit it back before the cooldown on your basic attack ends. This allows you to consistently score goals and win matches.

Estelle’s playstyle suits Rose Warp and Crystal Thorns perfectly. Rose Warp provides Estelle with useful mobility and also strikes nearby opponents. Her special ability, Crystal Thorns, is excellent for striking a large area and pushing opponents to sneak a KO.

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