Essentials for a Music Festival

By Raquelritz @RaquelRitz
Going to a music festival can become one of these memories you will have for ever. For me, at least, they are magic. But all can go horribly wrong if you do not take with you suitable clothes or shoes, commodities that can facilitate the stay or you are not just mentally ready.

40th Glastonbury

Although a festival can look so cool from far, you will have to do many sacrifices. I do not want to put you off, just wanting you to think carefully. If you do not see it too clear, just buy a one day pass and see how it looks for  you.
If you have it really clear: congratulations, you are heading one of the best experiences of your life! And just because I love lists, I give you one of the things I would take with me to a festival:
  • The tent. Do not buy a tiny one unless you are staying only two nights. For  more days you will have to leave all the clothes and supplies somewhere. 
  • A blanket. I am not crazy. The soil can be really cold and even though you have the plastic of the tent, this won't isolate you from the ground as it should. I have tried using nothing, mats and similar things, but this summer I took one light blanket and it is what it really works. 

One blanket like this can be used in many way

  • Air mattress. I would recommend you to invest in one if you are spending a few days there. And although with the mattress can seem enough, the cold goes through the layers, so I would recommend you to still take the blanket. 
  • Water. Buying/finding/stocking up with water can be a challenging process and can cost you  good money. I would recommend you always having one bottle in the tent just in case. .
  • Baby wipes. The best, you can use them in the toilet, washing up like a cat (yes, the showers in these places are really sought-after), cleaning wounds, shoes, stains, etc... 

Ice cream woman hands washed after 7 days in Glastonbury

  • Antibacterial gel. For the same reasons as the baby wipes, I think you should always carry it with you. You only have to look at my hands after 7 days in Glastonbury and I had just washed them! 
  • Sunblock. Festivals are usually done on summer and spring and the sun can be really tough, so remember to use it at least twice a day. 
  • Medical kit. The chances you will need a plaster, an aspirin or anti acid when you are miles away from a pharmacy are multiplied by 200%. 
  • Toiletries. Just because the showers are almost a luxury, do not forget to bring all that can help you keep clean. 
  • Cash. You will need A LOT, so do not expect going only with your credit card, as the lines for the cash machines, if there are any, will be endless. And never, ever leave all this money in the tent, always keep it safe with you.
  • Outerwear. Temperatures in the countryside can go down extremely at night. So do not forget to bring a jumper or similar. 
  • Swimsuit. Although there might be no beach where you are going, taking one could be a brilliant idea if you have to use the communal showers and you do not like to get naked! 
  • Wellies. Ok, you won't need them in Benicàssim, but in England they are a must. A bit of rain or water can turn everything into mud. If you are thinking about some beach destination, although flip flops might look like the smartest option, I would suggest you take any other light footwear that will keep the dust away and will protect you against stomping. 

Ritz wellies