
By Dreamcreate @THEdreamcreate

Something about the start of a new year always makes me want to start over as a new person. Dec 31st is a good bookend for your old self, leaving all clutter and mistakes in the past and starting afresh as a shiny new version of yourself.

Part of my fresh start has been the overhaul of my house and closet, eliminating unused and unloved items and only bringing the most beautiful essentials back into the space. The pieces that survive the yearly sacrifice include beautiful structured jackets, felt hats,white dresses, and killer heels.

The  lovely Carly posed for me in some classics, a vintage white slip dress, a Hugo Boss jacket and the most beautiful Gucci heels.

Keeping only the best and most loved items helps me dress quickly in the morning.What essentials do you rely on?

xox Alana

jacket – vintage Hugo Boss ℅ WIN / shoes – vintage Gucci ℅ WIN / dress – vintage

makeup – Carly Flint / hair – Marion Groot / shot on location at ma-luxe studios