Essential Oils Could Replace Overused, Increasingly Dangerous Antibiotics

By Yellowstar2000 @TherapeuticOils

More about essential oils as healing modalities…

When we think of essential oils we think of aromas, spas and beauty 
products,” says Dr. Lynn Anderson, Doctor of Natural Health, 
author and yoga/exercise professional. “But essential oils are so much more. Essential oils are healing
 modalities.” Their antiseptic power comes from phenolic content, and oils with higher phenolic content, like oregano, thyme, cinnamon and clove, are more potent, she adds.

The centuries-long lasting power of essential oils as a remedy is due to their antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. However, to date, “there is little published research on many of them,” according to the University of Minnesota.

“Research studies on essential oils” that do exist, the University of Minnesota website explains, “show positive effects for a variety of health concerns including infections, pain, anxiety, depression, tumors, premenstrual syndrome, nausea, and many others.”


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