Essences Into Us

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

The Trials And Truths Of A Caulbearer by misslatoya


In reply to misslatoya.

I am new to the site. I’ve been an outcast all my life. Sorry for posting on a reply to another’s post also. Can you give some insight into my abilities? They have always been strong but also all over the place.


In reply to Sheremiah.

This is what spirit moved me to write:

Just want to say first for those that it genuinely pertains to because one honestly has to be inclined to truly “know and see” we are all individuals with our own range of special talent/abilities that have went through our own personal life experiences so what may be for one is definitely not necessarily the same for another though we may find some similarity or connection within or without.

All I can do is speak the truth and what I know and I have went through a lot and definitely know a lot-not everything that there is to know because we’ll never know entirely everything within the universe until the end-but a whole lot! And I have always known and been aware of the world, things going on around me, and what people were up to toward me and others ever since I was a kid.

We have our gifts in different ways according to our own states of existence which innately defines our individuality when we truly and whole heartedly accept ourselves. When we’re proud of our nature our nature is proud of us and rewards us.

There are gifted people out there that can do things that I am not able to do and there are things that I can do that others are not able to do and there are things that some of us think that we can’t do just to learn and find out that we were able to do it all along or that it happened to come to us at a later time.

We never know what else will develop because as we grow our powers get even stronger if we pay attention as it is a natural part of spiritual process and attributes of lineage within some.

That is part of being distinguished aside from us all being unique.

You know, as a young child that was advanced due to being gifted intellectually and spiritually I rejected society and certain types of people and was a loner by nature even though I was accepted and very well liked by those that took to me.

A lot of people that were around me didn’t understand me as I was extremely unique and didn’t share the average thoughts, desires, concerns and tendencies as everyone else, and a lot of people still don’t understand me and never will. I am a entirely different person with an entirely different type of mentality.

When individuals such as ourselves are “celestially” directed upon that anointed/extraordinary road to elevated heights that continue to take us through the stage of levels which promote our monumental growth and travel that is outlined with devine guidance and instruction it makes it hard for us to submit, cater, or conform to a world and society and things that don’t equivalate.

We are not of this dimension. We are free spirits temporarily binded to this physical realm for “observance” until transition.

There is so much that I could get into, however, I will note this: As I continue to go through my life I see just how serious being born with a caul really is and the blessings and responsibilities that actually go along with it the circumstance is absolutely no joke!

Things that came to me as a child how much significance the revelations hold now, how vital the knowledge was and is for my maintenance and survival. We in particular can see things about the world and beyond with such clarity, we can see things about people and instances with such depth, we can see things that could either get us killed or committed.

For those of us with special purpose and a purpose so strong that nothing can moves us our gifts are for ourselves it is what we are. The world needs us even when it doesn’t always appreciate us because the negative resent us (I never had any desire within my life to save anyone or the world but we end up helping people and making a difference within their lives just by imparting our presence and knowledge to those that count even if we didn’t intend to). We see the things that many don’t want us to know, we hear the things that many want kept quiet. We have an influence which provokes and creates chance and change. We have an energy that is dangerous yet positive and compelling.
