Esprit & The ROYAL Collage of Art Design Talent

By Fashiontakeout @FashionT_O

Esprit & The ROYAL Collage of Art Design Talent Challenge
Have you heard about the design challenge from fashion label Esprit & the Collage of Art?
Esprit & the ROYAL Collage of Art challenged members of fashion design platform and social site "POLYVORE" create a fashion set using their next generation design talents. The fashion theme is "fresh looks".
We chose individual FASHION pieces from ESPRIT. Our first pick was the "short merino sweater"...this sweater screams "loud and fresh" can not miss me for a second. The second choice was Esprit's chic casual mini skirt with front tie belt which neutralizes the loud and freshness of the sweater. Then we mixed it up with a pair of plateau pumps and a leather shopper bag.

What do you think? Is this a fashion look you could sport?


Challenge Your Design Talent with Esprit & The Royal College of Art by fashiontake-out featuring lanvin jewelry