Escort Cards and Place Cards and Seating Charts… Oh My!

By Claire

Wed­ding escort cards ideas — Photo cred­its: (From the top, left to right) Kolen Pho­tog­ra­phy | design copy­right Tanta­wan Bloom, Inc., 2012, Arnold Brower Pho­tog­ra­phy | Kate Headley Photography

Escort cards

We love escort cards, not only are they prac­ti­cal but are a great way to add that all impor­tant attention-to-detail to your wed­ding day and show­case your per­sonal style. Also, depend­ing on how cre­ative you get, they can be a real treat for your guests. Be sure to dis­play the names in alpha­bet­i­cal order so that the cards are easy for your guests to find!

A pop­u­lar choice with our clients, is to have a pretty tree and hang escort cards from the branches. For some­thing really unique, try hav­ing a water foun­tain fea­ture, float­ing the cards on saucers.

Wed­ding place card ideas — Photo cred­its: (From the top, left to right) Jessi Ringer | James Car­rier | Crayola

Place cards

Place cards, very much like escort cards, can be very sim­ple and for­mal or really fun and cre­ative. How­ever, with­out escort cards or a seat­ing chart to guide your guests, they could have a hard time find­ing their seat, wan­der­ing around aim­lessly til’ they’ve found their spot!

For a for­mal approach, try folded tent cards with embossed cal­lig­ra­phy, or for some­thing a bit more show-stopping, acces­sorise the place cards with state­ment jew­ellery pieces or even make them edible!

Wed­ding seat­ing plan ideas — Photo cred­its: (From the top, left to right) Lizelle Lot­ter Pho­tog­ra­phy | Lure Syd­ney | Kate Har­ri­son Pho­tog­ra­phy | Finer Details

Seat­ing charts

For a sim­pler option, you can forego both escort cards and place cards in lieu of a seat­ing chart. This is a great choice for the less crafty bride or for wed­dings with lower bud­gets, as it’s only one piece, not 100+. These can still be super cre­ative though. If you’re going down the DIY route, have some­one with extra neat hand­writ­ing help out!

We have seen some great seat­ing charts over the years, we’re a big fan of shabby chic win­dow­panes, styl­ish chalk­boards, and fabulously-framed mir­rors, all with ele­gant hand­writ­ing — the options are endless!

Still unde­cided? We, at Soirée de Luxe per­son­ally find escort cards and place cards form one rockin’ team, keep­ing your wed­ding recep­tion flow­ing smoothly and your stress at an all-time low!


Jes­sica is the direc­tor of Soirée de Luxe, a lux­ury wed­ding & event plan­ning com­pany based in Lon­don. They spe­cialise in event expe­ri­ences, exhil­a­rat­ing all five senses. Please check out Soirée de Luxe’s blog for all things wed­ding related, dis­cussing pop­u­lar top­ics, hot trends and offer­ing advice to brides and grooms for their big day.