Escapees from Squash Patch

By Nancymccarroll
You may recall last year on this post when the New Greenhouse was displayed.
Now here we are in August with God and Gene growing tomatoes that are producing daily, squash in abundance, and sweet corn ready to eat almost daily.  Beans are almost ready to harvest.  Also, our neighbors' good will is being tested by ample offerings from the hothouse and garden.  Thanks to Paul down the street, he has provided excellent sweet beets to go along with our other healthy vegetables.
 A side view of some yellow squash  The greenhouse holds tomato plants Carnations

Cosmos !

Squash and corn

Warning: Two Zucchini SquashWatch Out! They May Be Apprehended on YOUR doorstep at any time!

 It has been a lovely, productive summer thus far.  How is your garden growing?