Escape in the Jungle at Singapore Botanic Gardens

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
In previous blog posts we have featured the Ginger Garden and Bromeliads at Singapore Botanic Gardens, this time we explore the lush jungle planting. These photos are from within the Orchid Garden section, although there was a lot more than just orchids. In due course we shall share the orchids but today it's another turn for the lush, tropical planting.

The Orchid Garden was an absolute delight, and the planting and landscaping exceeded what we had anticipated. Not just orchids, but ferns, tree ferns, palms and a whole host of leafy tropical planting.

Whilst in Singapore we generally had some rain most days, which typically fell in the middle of the day. So whilst in the Orchid Garden the rain did once again make an appearance. Fortunately it didn't detract from enjoying a beautiful garden.

Water droplets on a Colocasia leaf

In many respects the rain enhanced the garden, making it more atmospheric, there were also not many visitors at the same time as us which always helps make a visit more enjoyable.

With the warmth, moisture and lack of winter everything looks so lush, the Cyatheas thrusting up from the undergrowth is a fabulous way to line a pathway. 

Large Aspleniums were everywhere, on the ground, on the trees, clinging to walls and rock faces.
I must look for more hardy forms for us to grow.

Blechnums are another group of ferns I really like!

Delightful forest pathways, and just us to enjoy. This lushness is something I'd like to work on in our
own garden this year.

Twisted roots as a feature, simply delightful. Whether it remains bare from plant life in the ideal
conditions of Singapore will remain to be seen.

We spotted this chap in the middle of things. He reminded me of the metal animals we have seen at
places such as Akamba here in the UK.

Gradually the epiphytes seem to take over all available branch or log.

Given a little time the log above will presumably look like these trees, with the branches covered in wonderful epiphytic life.

How's that for total immersion into plant life!

Singapore has a reputation for having signs forbidding almost everything, however we did not really notice too many. These signs above made me smile as they just seem so sweet and simple, although it doesn't say perhaps you are OK to walk on the garden as long as you have your safety boots on, only bare feet are banned! Or maybe not :)
Around every corner was another beautiful view. We are fans of water features and falls (I'm sure you may have guessed from our pond project!), this one works so well. With the water cascading down into a small pool. 

Philodendron in front of the waterfall

Looking back at our photos when composing this, it feels like our trip was such a long time ago already. However it gives me so many ideas and thoughts for our own garden; working out how to recreate some of the feel and atmosphere of the Singapore Gardens, and thinking through the plants that will give the look and be hardy. 