Ergonomic Office Chairs That Fix Your Posture Solve Your Back Pain

By @bonsoni

Ergonomic chairs are designed so that people can easily stay if activities on the basis of work or employment performed in an ergonomic chair.

postural comfort is not natural. He has learned to create unique movement in his pelvic area, so the tissue of the buttocks remain comfortable.
movement is needed in your pelvic region, as it is humanly impossible to sit all day in one position. Your body is required to move the pelvic area at least every 12 minutes.

This is important because the weight of the whole body to the area of ​​the pelvis down. Forcing oxygenated blood to the tissues, which can only be maintained until the tissue also require oxygenated blood to the tissues recycled.
Without movement and therefore oxygen in your pelvic area, tissue and lsquo by will be; Necrosis and rsquo; and dies. That's why people with paraplegia who are suffering from the waist nerve damage, should lift your buttocks break at least every 15 minutes or tissue in his buttocks and die their body weight.
For your needs, simply lift a basin, then to relieve the other, the pressure in the pelvic area and rich blood back to the buttocks with oxygen.

If you and rsquo; re difficulties lifting the pelvis while sitting, it is necessary to strengthen the pelvic area home on the mat with your legs straight.

Now he is about the pelvic bone and lift the leg movement. Repeat this process on the other side, and began a process called and ldquo; Hiking bum and rdquo;. This is an excellent method of learning, strengthen your hip Flexer prolonged sitting allows comfort.
This is also important for overweight people around the abdominal area, difficulties with their experience pelvic floor muscles to lift your hips.

Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is a need to move your pelvic region regular session prolonged exercise. This is one of the key ingredients that make sure that in an office chair, sit all day for all activities in the workplace is comfortable.

I & rsquo; I know many of my patients come with a constant pain in the lower back, to a certain degree. You & rsquo; Muscle relaxants, tried stretching, resistance heating, but somehow it always comes back. ISN and rsquo; It has nothing really wrong with his back. They do not and rsquo; t get hurt in any way, the port and rsquo; T had too much movement, or do heavy outdoor work or at home, the Port and rsquo; t lifting heavy objects or furniture moved. But they have chronic back pain and want to know why.
Well, 9 out of 10 times the answer is so simple that thought. His attidude! That and rsquo; Law, poor posture is the most common cause of low back pain! Here and rsquo; So, some tips on what to do about it.

Why poor posture makes your back hurt

Many of my patients work at desk jobs, or sit spend time while working on their computers, or standing for long periods during the day. That and rsquo; Therefore, it is and rsquo; It is so important to observe good posture, both seated and standing to keep your spine and neck in alignment. Often, these structures fall out of alignment crawl in a kind of shrimp sitting position, or vertical shoulders forward. Consequently, back pain and neck begins to emerge and pinched nerves and muscle spasms.

The correct posture keeps all parts of the balanced and sustainable body. My patients often Don & rsquo; I know how bad your attitude is, until you try a little experiment suggests that you do. As it stands, and I try to hang a plumb bob their earlobes directly on his shoulders, hips and knees to the ankles. Very often I can not form a straight line, as their shoulders can be tilted forward, rounded back and their stomachs pouched out. This posture puts a strain on your lower abdominal muscles and weakens after the celebration makes this bag more!Even people who sit at desks most of the day sitting on chairs that support your weight is incorrect, and the entire body weight falls unevenly across the lower back. Especially if they are moving forward near the edge of the seat, where she and rsquo; lost in the lower back support of the chair.
A solution to both problems of posture and ergonomics is obtaining an ergonomic office chair where it can adequately support the weight of the body and stimulates the correct posture. Moreover, many people are sitting 1-2 delay positions for hours at a time! This is leading to muscle stiffness and pain and spine of the lower back. Get at least every hour, stretch your back muscles and spine walk, and get your circulation moving.
They observe good body ergonomics

To keep your back and neck tension, can help the body good ergonomics. These include the following:
Don & rsquo; t are constantly something heavy on one side of the body. A good example is people with small usually a hip and children ndash; the lower back to page sway to support sitting on her hip child's weight and back muscles forcing end. In addition, women with heavy backpacks on the one hand carrying heavy bags or men all the time and ndash; the weight acts to pull the flip side of his body out of alignment. No wonder that his back hurts!
Don & rsquo; t wear shoes or high heels jeans that are too tight. I see this in young women all wear heels that are sometimes time 5-6 & quot; , Tall skinny jeans! Excels whole body forward, lower back out of alignment in a similar position to throw like a flamingo. I & rsquo; t know how to follow these piles, day after day, but can create some serious pain in the lower back.

positions too high or too low on the head can cause abnormal cervical extensions. This pressure on the entire spine causes pain in the neck or lower back is applied.

Standing with the weight of the balls, no heels, feet slightly apart, let your arms hang normally at the sides. Don & rsquo; t lock your knees and keep your head in line with your body, not project forward. When your attitude is good, you should be able to stand with shoulders and hips, and the back of the head, touching the wall. Otherwise, the head is too far forward and throw your spine orientation.

Other things that can help back pain

Often, muscle tension can lead to poor posture caused back pain. Here are some suggestions for avoiding / relieving muscle tension and back pain development.

taking relieve muscle tension by stretching breaks throughout the day, especially when you and rsquo; They have a long driving time, sitting or working on a complicated problem.

Adequate exercise, 30-40 minutes to 4-5 times per week of aerobic exercise such as dancing, yoga, cycling, swimming, elliptical trainer, tensions can and keep muscles strong and able to support you without pain ,
Massage. Nothing feels as good as a full body massage, if you have the tension and / or muscle pain in the back or anywhere else.

During sleep, put a body pillow or a regular pillow between your legs to relieve pressure on the lower back and keep them aligned.

Poor posture can aggravate back pain and be a real pain in the neck. When my advise patients and follow reasonable size shoes with good ergonomics of the body are simple solutions that can go a long way in preventing low back pain.