ePortfolios: Show Me That You Know It

By Mrsebiology @mrsebiology
Yesterday I was privileged to present for the third time at SDE's Extraordinary Educator's Conference.  I talked about a topic on which I have presented about before at other conferences--ePortfolios.  I tried to emphasize that the power of the ePortfolio lies in its potential for showing student growth in understanding and in skill development.  They not only show progress towards mastery to the teacher, but they also show the student how he or she is progressing as well, opening the door for all sorts of metacognitive goodness. (Where have I been?  Where am I now?  Where do I need to go, and how will I get there?)
I promised my audience that I would post the presentation here so they could access the links that were embedded within it.  This is a modified version of a presentation given previously by yours truly, so if you've seen this post, you've seen most of this presentation before.
You can access the presentation directly here, or you can view it in PDF format below.  Enjoy, and please feel free to leave feedback that you have in the comments.