Episode 201, Colluding With Catastrophe

Posted on the 09 March 2018 by Shrugger
Pretty much everyone not in the employ of CNN or MSNBC now agrees that neither Donald Trump nor his campaign or transition people colluded with the Russians to throw the election.  In fact, if anyone prominent did collude with Russia, it was Hillary Clinton and her campaign.
That’s not what this show is about.  There is a much larger and more important collusion going on right now, a factual, actual collusion, with an army of important participants, and that is America’s ongoing collusion with catastrophe.  It’s part political, part social, part economic, part ideological, and part psychological.
Unlike the Russians, catastrophe is an outcome, not an agent, so I’m playing a little fast and loose with the catch phrase Colluding with Catastrophe, something you can’t actually do. But colluding ON BEHALF OF catastrophe, or colluding IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE catastrophe don’t have the same ring as Colluding With Catastrophe, so let’s just go with it. 
(BTW, that kitchen cart pictured was something I recently built from scratch, using reclaimed barn wood. Not perfect, but not bad.  Two major mistakes, described in this show.)
Pete Ferron