Episode 163, Liberty Ridge, Two Years In

Posted on the 16 June 2015 by Shrugger
With our two-year anniversary here at Liberty Ridge just around the corner, I thought I'd talk about what "shrugging out" has been like for us and what we have learned so far.
Topics include:
  • Raised bed vegetable gardening, including crop rotation
  • Rainwater catchment for irrigation
  • Raising chickens, including adding new chickens to an existing flock
  • Canning and freezing home-grown vegetables
  • Living with a wood stove
  • Living with an old tractor
  • Maintaining the homestead
  • Rural life in general, including neighbors, services you can't take for granted, handling bad weather, and local law enforcement
One of the things I discuss is the strategy of moving to the country before the stuff hits the fan versus the "emergency bugout" strategy. There are clear advantages to moving away from the city well before SHTF, if you can do it.
As I always say, shrugging out is a "twofer"--you get the Atlas Shrugged bit--removing your consent and support for the gigantic US government and the dependency culture it has spawned, and you gain the security of bugging out before the Stuff Hits The Fan.
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Pete Ferron