Episode 112, To Secede Or Not to Secede

Posted on the 30 November 2012 by Shrugger

Within days of the Great Election, the White House website was deluged with online secession petitions from people in 30 different states.
What is secession? Is it simply "states rights", which has become a code word (or a dog whistle, if you are Chris Matthews) for racism?
Is secession a legal option? Is it a moral choice?
Those are interesting questions, but perhaps more importantly, is secession a practical possibility under today's circumstances? What would happen if, say, Texas, expressed a sincere intent to secede?
If secession by a state or collection of states is impractical under today's pre-Collapse circumstances, what alternatives are available?
 What about secession as an individual act? More practical perhaps?
- - - - - - - - - - Pete Ferron