Episode 107, What Will Obama's Second Term Bring?

Posted on the 06 October 2012 by Shrugger
Ok, Romney did well in the first debate. In fact, let's stipulate that he "wiped the floor" with Obama.
I could be wrong, of course, but I remain convinced that Obama will win re-election. The power of the incumbency is strong, especially when the incumbent is so beloved by the major media outlets. A growing plurality of voters depend on government largesse, and a depressingly large slice of the rest think Obama is cool and kind.
I think the glow of Romney's first debate victory will fade. Obama will be much better next time. The fawning media will swoon over Obama's reprise of the original Comeback Kid, Bill Clinton. Obama will win re-election, it says here.
So what will life in America be like under Obama's second term? We re-visit the infamous fictional character "Julia" from Obama's own website for the answers.
What happens to Obama's dear Julia under his second coming? And how different would things be under President Ronmey? Listen to this funny and provocative show and find out.
Pete Ferron