Epic Wins

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42
Disclaimer: Please forgive the title of this post. I've clearly been married to a gamer for far too long.
Now, onto the wins...
1. I can now say with about 98% confidence that Acacia is completely potty-trained!!! Yay! She hasn't had an accident in about a week, including overnight. It's like it all just magically clicked. We've been working on it for so long and I couldn't be happier!!
2. Today was my first day of Summer and we celebrated in perfect fashion - we attended the ISS picnic (ISS=Integrated Support Solutions, which is a sister organization to NV Early Intervention Services). We had a lovely time visiting with the wonderful specialists who have provided services for our children for a little over a year now. The kids also enjoyed time painting rocks, playing with a parachute, and eating hotdogs. However, there was one epic fail in all of this - we forgot to bring the camera. Geez, what is wrong with us?? Oh, well. We all had fun and that's what really matters.
3. I went to the gym. It's been WAY too long. But I am resolved to go regularly through the Summer. That hour is so stress-relieving.
4. I won a $25 Starbucks giftcard from my awesome mom-blog buddy, Andrea from The Mays Twins! Woohoo!! I LOVE Starbucks. Thanks again, Andrea!!
5. I signed the twins up for a dance camp in July. I'm so stinkin' excited! It will be their first dance experience and I really hope they like it. So far, they are very excited too. If they really enjoy the mini-camp, then I plan to put them in weekly lessons.