"Epic Outerwear"

By Dieworkwear @dieworkwear

The weather in the Bay Area hasn’t cooled enough for us to wear serious outerwear, but since fall is on everyone’s minds, I thought I’d share these photos that Milstil recently posted at The London Lounge. They were collected in a thread titled “Epic Outerwear,” and although the word “epic” has been a bit ruined for me thanks to Californians, the coats and jackets pictured here are pretty heroic looking. 

In the set are some beautifully thick dress coats with regal, rolling lines that sweep down along every coat’s front edge. The cuts are full, long, and masculine, and the fabrics have strong, large-scale patterns. The advantage of having a large-scale pattern in your coat, of course, is that you’ll can more easily pair it with patterned shirts and jackets, as you can always be confident that the multiple patterns will vary in scale.

There are also some casual pieces, such as the duffle coat, leather A2 bomber, Royal Air Force sheepskin, and the awesome motorsport jacket that Steve McQueen is seen wearing. Military- and motorcycle-inspired jackets are what I’ve been wearing most lately, even though I obviously don’t battle anything but procrastination and ride nothing but taxis. 

In any case, all in all, some great outerwear, epic or not.