I'm going to share my EOTD using WetNWild Color Icon in Petal Plusher ^^
You can just ignore this newpost if you don't want to see a lot of my camwhoring pics ( I bet you won't. Lol!)
Well, these days I avoid using my circle lens all day to prevent my eyes from any irritation, i only use my circle lens at night or on a special ocassion, so i rather wear my glasses at work..
Butttt, i always feel not confident while not using my circle lens T_T
To solve this, i put some eyeshadow behind my glasses to make my eyes bigger...
Enough for the chit chat, lets see how WetNWild Color Icon do with my eyes :)
That's all I wanna share about ^^ Thanks for visiting and reading my post, hope it will made your day!
Lotta Love,