Entrepreneur Tip : Separating Good Leaders From Bad Leaders

Posted on the 10 January 2020 by Kronicgeek

If you've ever worked in a team, such as an office environment or in a retail store, then you'll know just how frustrating it can be to work with a clueless leader. They're often focused on themselves more than their team, they're self-centered and they don't contribute to the team as much as they should.

These types of bad leaders are trouble for a business and should be avoided at all costs, but how do you tell between a good and a bad leader?

Good leaders include, bad leaders exclude

One of the biggest differences between a good and a bad leader is how they include employees in their projects. Good leaders will always find strengths in people, focusing on what they excel at and using those skills efficiently. On the contrary, bad leaders exclude employees, focusing more on what they can't do and either removing them from the team or giving them menial tasks.

Good leaders talk, bad leaders shout

Another common difference between a good and a bad leader is in the way they communicate. Of course, getting frustrated is common even with good leaders, but you'll find that a bad leader often raises their voice whenever there's a slight frustration. This makes it difficult to communicate as a team and ruins the overall atmosphere of the workplace.

We've added an infographic below that showcases some of the most important skills that a leader should pick up if they want to be worthy of their position. If you notice that a leader doesn't have these types of skills, then they have a long way to go.

Infographic Source: University of Southern California