ENS Partners with GoDaddy

Posted on the 05 February 2024 by Worldwide @thedomains
GoDaddy partners with ENSDomains

GoDaddy has partnered with ENS Domains, I believe these partnerships between registrars and ensdomains will become more commonplace as time goes by.

EnsDomains published a blog post that goes into greater detail. Once it is configured, the domain name can be used in place of an Ethereum address in a range of web3 applications including wallets, block explorers, NFT marketplaces, etc

If you use Twitter/X there will be a spaces with Paul Nicks on Wednesday.

We're thrilled to announce our partnership with @GoDaddy πŸŽ‰
Millions of customers can now use their DNS domains in the ENS ecosystem!
Let's dive into what this meansπŸ‘‡ pic.twitter.com/PyrZi4e5cV

β€” ens.eth (@ensdomains) February 5, 2024

Join us this Wednesday, February 7th, for a Twitter Space with @PaulENicks, President of Domains at @GoDaddy! πŸŽ™οΈ
Set your reminder and tune in live at 2 PM ET/ 7 PM UTChttps://t.co/4OREDskVeK

β€” ens.eth (@ensdomains) February 5, 2024