Enhanced Solo Le Pido A Dior Netlabel Profile
Welcome to Netlabel Profiles, the show that explores some of the best and most diverse music on the internet today. On this episode of Netlabel Profiles we visit a country that:
- Was the 10th wealthiest nation in the world 100 years ago. Now it’s the 62nd.
- In 2001 had 5 Presidents in 10 days.
- Has beer brands for each of their political parties.
- Had a Pope that used to be a bar bouncer. (Pope Francis)
- Has a religion based on a famous Football (Soccer) player.
- You don’t use Colgate toothpaste, as Colgate translates to “go hang yourself”.
- Has a region with it’s own dialect of the Welsh language.
- Has the world’s widest avenue: 14 lanes, and four lanes of parallel streets.
- Has the highest number of psychiatrists in the world. As a result an area has been named “Villa Freud” for all the psychotherapist offices.
- Has become a mecca for plastic surgery, which has started it’s own tourist economy. As a result of the obsession with appearance, the rate of anorexia has skyrocketed to the second highest in the world.
- Sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica to claim part of the continent. The boy became the first human to be born in Antarctica.
- Is the home of the Tango, which is thought to have originated in the brothels of this country
- Is the home of the first animated film: El Apostol, a political satire. Unfortunately all copies of the film were destroyed in a fire several years after it’s first release.
- Was the first country to use fingerprinting as a method of identification in criminal investigations.
So what country is this? And what netlabel is located here? More about these topics after we listen to some music from our featured netlabel.
Solo Le Pido A Dior Netlabel Profile
That was Agua Caliente by Sinux on our featured netlabel: Sólo le Pido a Dior in Argentina.
Solo le Pido a Diro is name this an inside joke to Argentinians. It is a reference to a famous song: Solo le Pido a Dios, which means ‘I only ask to God’. However, by changing the last word it becomes “I only ask to Dior”.
SPD was originally conceived in 2010 by Nicolas Gonzalez. In 2012 SPD became a formal business. The model that SPD takes is not just that of being a Netlabel. Instead of just promoting digital releaes of music, SPD employs fifteen to twenty people to handle all levels of a music business: designers, photographers, producers, VJ’s and other collaborators.
SPD started by working with with a new music movement that started in 2010, known as the “New Argentine Pop”. In 2013 SPD was approached by several artists who had become familiar with the label, and were impressed by the name recognition and presence the business had built. This is what SPD has been doing: selecting the best artists and performers they can find on the internet, and working with them to produce top quality recordings.
In 2015 SPD expanded it’s operation into vocational training by forming an alliance with Platform/C, a Spanish training platform for cultural workers. This has allowed them to extend their opportunities to allow working with some of the most prestigious professionals in Europe.
Let’s listen to some of the resulting output from SPD over the last few years for the remainder of this Netlabel Profiles show.
Solo Le Pido A Dior Netlabel Profile: Closing
Thanks for joining us for Netlabel Profiles featuring the Sólo le Pido a Dior netlabel. If you enjoyed the music on this show, be sure to check out Sólo le Pido a Dior at http://sololepidoadior.bandcamp.com/
This show is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial Share Alike license. All of the music from Sólo le Pido a Dior played on this show is released under a Creative Commons license.
Be sure to check out the enhanced version of this show on The CerebralRift (http://cerebralrift.org). The posting on The CerebralRift includes:
- Additional selections from the Sólo le Pido a Dior catalog
- Links to all the music played on this show
- Links to the references used in preparing the profile of Sólo le Pido a Dior
- Links to the Sólo le Pido a Dior website, and social media sites
- A printed transcript of this profile
- And an exclusive printed interview with Sólo le Pido a Dior’s Nico Gonzalez.
Thanks for joining us for Netlabel Profiles. This is your host SndChaser signing off, and wishing you the best of free listening!
Solo Le Pido A Dior Netlabel Profile: References
- 10 Fascinating Facts About Argentina: http://listverse.com/2013/12/05/10-fascinating-facts-about-argentina/
- 25 Facts About Argentina: http://www.factslides.com/s-Argentina#
- Argentina Facts: http://nationfacts.net/argentina-facts/
- Fascinating, Fun, Unknown Facts About Argentina: http://thenomadicfamily.com/2014/06/fascinating-fun-unknown-facts-about-argentina-the-country-fun-fact-friday-series/
- SEVEN INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ARGENTINA: http://thinkglobalschool.org/seven-interesting-facts-about-argentina/
- Wikipedia: Argentina: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina
Solo Le Pido A Dior: Contacts
Label Sólo le Pido a Dior
Contact Name
Email soloadior@gmail.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/soloadior
Twitter @soloadior
BandCamp http://sololepidoadior.bandcamp.com/
Ello https://ello.co/spd_records
Solo Le Pido A Dior Interview
1. Please introduce yourself…
Hello, my name is Nico Gonzalez, im from Zárate, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, im 29, and im the SPD founder and chairman. I work as a consultant in communication, and also as correspondent in Buenos Aires for The Pop Life of Mexico. I’m also guitarist of “Hiroshima Dandys” and singer of “Partido De La Costa”. Both, “Sólo le Pido a Dior” as groups where I play are my main activity, thanks to Dior.
2. How did you decide that you wanted to run a netlabel? (Did anyone or anything inspire you to do this?)
Originally the idea was to be a “false label”, which releases the work that i have been doing in the field of electronic pop, out of the garage rock band “Los Telépatas”, where i play from 2008 to 2014. But then some gruops start to send their work and i start to think that we could do a great job spreading the new argentine talente that i find on soundcloud. Once established as a label we started having, not inspirations, but “models” of labels to follow, such as Elefant Records from Spain.
3. Why did you decide to release your works under a Creative Commons license?
Actually, as a matter of convenience.
In Argentina the process of recording songs is very bureaucratic, and I honestly do not have a structure to put a person to work exclusively in recording all the songs that we publish. CC So we find first of all practical.
Then there is an “ideological arguments” if you will, that could be based on that we are children of the Internet, and we can’t operate within legal parameters obsolete, such as exist. But the main reason is that using CC licenses i don’t have to leave my house.
4. How much time do you spend on running your netlabel?
Full time. The senven days, the 24 hours. This is my life. I can’t separate SPD from the others aspects of my life because all my social life is imbued with my activity.
5. Have there been any projects (ie netlabel related, but not necessarily about a release, like maybe you set up a concert / festival / etc.) that are especially memorable to you?
Since early 2015 we are carrying out a joint experience working with Manuel Silva MIST Records (Chile). We have produced a compilation where we show what each label has produced in his country as a way of contacting artists Chileans and Argentines. Also, the experience of Netlabel Day, have been a great experience of Co-Working.
That, together with the experience of joint work with Plataforma/C of Spain, where we can offer our fans the opportunity to obtain high-level training were the most remarkable experiences in terms of extra-musical.
6. Is there a long-term goal for your label?
There are several long-range goals.
Each group we represent, has particular objectives and SPD takes them all as their own goals. Furthermore, as a general goal, we seek to position the scene Argentina, in the current global landscape of pop music. Something similar to what has been doing IMI Chile. So SPD has as one of its main objectives to create alliances, internal and external, because we understand that this task, although we headed, has to integrate all labels, media and employees of the independent culture in general.
7. Are you involved in anything else other than producing music? (IE, videos, CD’s, wallpapers, t-shirts, etc.)
We make 3 or 4 good party each year.
8. Any cool stories about projects / releases? (IE, they got used in someone else’s movie / video, or something similar.)
Pablo Rivas, Hiroshima Dandys singer, made the music of this short-horror-film called “You can not sleep tonight” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoVN5rhmw_4
9. What is your take on the future of music? (IE, do you think streaming will be more important than downloads, do you think the major labels will go bankrupt, do you think more people are turning to netlabels than traditional music sources, etc.)
It is a complex question.
On the one hand things will change. That is sure.
And on the other, everything will be the same.
I mean that technological advances brought changes, and will continue to bring. However, internet is a revolution that paradoxically did not change anything. The only thing that changed were the tools of dissemination and access to information. But the owners of the ball remain the same. By which I do not think the big labels come into bankruptcy. It is true that no longer sell as many records as before, but if you look at the number of plays that have any of the 4 major mmultinacionales seals, there is no independent project that you can bring him. It is a matter of commercial structure. The thing is that major labels, as independent, yet do not really know how to make money from the internet exactly. However, to me the whole game will be they who first discovered. Simply because they have a huge structure employees, all working towards the objectives of those labels, however we are small projects, which in the best case can have a good number of followers, but never comparable to projects of the mainstream.
It is a question of education. People prefer things served. With the turmoil that exists in everyday life, no time to investigate, so the bulk of the population consumes what they give. I do not think that is important not the issue. For those who specialize in rock culture we have very clear that art in general and rock in particular are a thing of certain elites. The art is elitist in nature, and rightly so be it. Not everyone can be followers of younger and new artist appears on the scene. The vanguard exists, but is not only sound, there are followers of vanguard too.? The young man who watches TV all day, believed everything he says on TV, this young man is very unlikely to be a listener vanguard. However there are other young people who are there on top of everything what is happening. Which is the first to know. And is not it a race to see who knows first next big global hit. It is of interest. No matter if you met him first, second or last. The important thing is that the music will arrive sometime, and you have to give yourself the space and the time to expose yourself to the exprience of hear something new.
10. Any upcoming projects / releases / events you would like to mention?
The future is so bright that we will put sunglasses. I just recommend to be in contact with SPD through their social networks, and know that south of the world are people doing great things in the field of electronic pop. Thank you very to Cerebral Rift, specially George, for this great job they are doing.
Solo Le Pido A Dior Playlist
SINUX: Agua Caliente
Camilo Franco: Antes
françois: B REAL
E T I L E: Strike
Hiroshima Dandys: El Tecnopop de los Trabajadores
françois: Unreleased Feelings
Hiroshima Dandys: André Franquin (Las Ideas Negras)
E T I L E: Target
SINUX: Dos en la terraza
E T I L E: The mask is the task
Camilo Franco: Minutos
françois: On&On
Hiroshima Dandys: El interama de la tristeza
E T I L E: Fourth Delight
E T I L E: Fin