English Wedding Blog — Friends and Chat!

By Claire
  1. On your mobile deviceEng­lish Wed­ding Blog is opti­mised for mobiles so you should find the daily real wed­ding fea­tures look as fan­tas­tic on your phone as they do on your desk­top, lap­top, mac­book or iPad. Enjoy!
  2. On face­book — get involved and join in the chat at http://facebook.com/englishwedding. I share real wed­ding pre­view images as often as I can, and often when I’m research­ing a blog post I’ll ask for opin­ions on face­book so you can join in!
  3. On Pin­ter­est — if you’re in the mood for pic­tures and wed­ding inspi­ra­tion then check out my Pin­ter­est boards at http://pinterest.com/claire2