Energyshare:Sourcing Renewable Energy

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
Remember my post about Solar Energy? I am very happy to be part of a new project about sustainability.
Energyshare  is an initiative between River Cottage and British Gas who are giving people the opportunity to source, use and even generate their own 100% British renewable energy.
Energyshare thinks that in order to make a really big difference, we all need to work together. "We’ve learned from our other projects like River Cottage, Hugh’s Fish Fight, Chicken Out and Landshare that when you bring together people, communities, organisations and the media, something really BIG can happen."Energyshare is funding  up to 100k for individual community projects . British Gas are distributing a further £3m to community renewable energy projects through the energyshare fund over the next 3 years.There has been a stiff competition between  over 1,000 community projects who registered on the website over the last few months. Now it is time for the second round for 100 finalist groups.The winning groups will have the chance to fund their projects thanks to British Gas and River Cottage. I am delighted to be involved in this project by championing one of the finalists: The Environment Centre in  Swansea is a charity founded in 1994. They have been raising awareness about sustainability and green living issues since then.Their project aims  to reduce their carbon footprint and demonstrate renewable technologies and energy efficiency measures to the Swansea community. They would like to install Photovoltaic panels onto the roof of their building and produce their own renewable energy.I will write more about this subject in a few days. In the meantime the voting has just begun today and you can support The Environment Centre by voting for them. Only takes a few minutes and don't forget everyone who votes willbe entered into a daily draw to win River Cottage Veg books.This is a sponsered post.