Energy We Can All Afford – Public Meeting in Bridport 10th May 2013

Posted on the 17 April 2013 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

Public Energy Meeting with Oliver Letwin MP & Friends of the Earth’s Chief Executive Andy Atkins
10th May 2013, 7pm – 8.30pm

Bridport Town Hall, Bridport, West Dorset 

My local West Dorset Friends of the Earth have told me about this important public meeting here in Dorset…

This winter millions of people have struggled to pay their energy bills. Cold homes are damaging the health of our most vulnerable citizens, including children and the elderly. Yet energy prices continue to go up – mostly due to the rising price of gas.

We need new ways to use, produce and above all save energy – and this means we need a change in the law. Now is the time to discuss this, as Parliament is debating these critical issues.

Join Oliver Letwin MP and Friends of the Earth’s Chief Executive Andy Atkins to debate these crucial issues.