Energy Boosters and Maxfresh

Posted on the 14 July 2015 by Configcrazy @configcrazy

Music makes you feel energetic . It explains you things and situations. It encourages you, motivates you, it pours energy into you. Music is food for soul. It makes us so engrossed in it that we forget the outer world and dream for better things. Some things are out of our reach but music just makes us feel that we can still manage it, if not now but later.

My legs automatically starts thumping to the beats of any song. Sometimes I wish I could start dancing on the street ignoring people surrounding me.
Here is a list of few best songs among my favorites which uplifts my mood anywhere, anytime.

This is the video where it all started to express my views about feeling fresh with dance and music ;)

I am blogging for #MaxFreshMove activity at BlogAdda in association with Colgate MaxFresh