Enemies of the People

Posted on the 21 December 2014 by Calvinthedog

This man, Robert Kagan, runs our country along with a handful of his Machiavellian allies. Meet Robert Kagan (R-Tel Aviv), founder of the Project for a New American Century. Kagan’s Dad is Donald Kagan (R-Tel Aviv). He serves as the capo of the Kagan Gang, an Organized Internationalist Crime Gang. His brother Frederick (R-Tel Aviv), an AEI fellow, is no better. Three loathsome criminals, a kingpin father and his two deputy sons, from one depraved crime family, heading up one of the world’s most powerful nations. Three Enemies of the People.

Their wives serve their men as partners in crime.

Robert’s wife is war criminal and coup-promoter State Department flunky Victoria Nuland (R-Tel Aviv) who helped install the first Nazi government in Europe since World War 2. Kagan’s nefarious duties in the State Department center around overthrowing government’s that refuse to obey America. Frederick’s wild-eyed wife Kimberly is yet another salivating warmonger who has managed to infiltrate our military up to the highest levels, the central command itself, where she has inserted herself. She heads the Institute for the Study of War, which looks to me like a CIA front.

All five of these flinty-eyed people are agents of the deepest of the Deep State of the US.

I know what you are thinking…

All of the Kagans are Jews, and Nuland is also a Jew.

Not only that, but they are archetypal Jewish neoconservatives, the very rulers of the Ninth Circle itself.

These scumbags are now running our foreign policy. They were run out at the beginning of Obama’s term in favor of some relatively sane imperialists called Realists. The neocons were kept out for the whole first time, but in the second term, they somehow wormed their way in the back door like they always do and took over the government again. So really we are living in the Bush Administration again with Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Feith and all the rest of the usual human garbage. The faces change, but the depravity remains the same.

Imagine that. The most powerful country in the world being run by a handful of psychotic Jews.