Endless Lies About the Crimean Referendum

Posted on the 10 June 2015 by Calvinthedog

Before Russia annexed its own territory in historically Russian Crimea, a referendum was held. About 90% of the population voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia. The West has been screaming about this vote ever since, saying that it was faked, corrupt, a stolen election with massive electoral fraud, held under military occupation, etc.

However, Western polling firms have repeatedly conducted scientific polls of the Crimean people after the election. They consistently find that huge majorities, anywhere from 83-87%, continue to support the decision to leave Ukraine and join historical Russia, the land that Crimea has always been a part of, despite Ukrainian blockades and embargoes that have made life difficult in Crimea.

The truth is that Crimeans never wanted to be part of Ukraine. Crimea has always been Russian. Khrushchev became Premier in 1954. He was a Ukrainian. He gave the Crimea to an entity called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. At the time, Ukraine was simply a part of Russia like California is a part of the United States. It would be like chopping off part of one state and giving it to California.

When Ukraine declared independence, they immediately stated, with no basis whatsoever, that all of the land of the Ukrainian state of the USSR was now part of something fake called the Ukrainian nation.” But there had never been a Ukrainian nation, ever. Ukraine had never been an independent country. It had always been a part of Russia, Poland, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or Austro-Hungary.

So there were no historical borders of the Ukraine, and when Ukraine declared independence, it had no right to incorporate all of state land into a new country. Many parts of Ukraine protested independence, in particular Crimea. The Crimeans had agitated for a long time during the Ukrainian SSR that they wanted to join Russia.

As soon as Ukraine went free, there were regular protests and demonstrations by Crimeans saying they wanted to join Russia. They even held a referendum within a year after independence. The vote showed overwhelming support for joining Russia. Ukraine immediately said that the vote was illegitimate and refused to honor it. Movements to leave Ukraine and join Russia have been ongoing in Crimea ever since independence.

As you can see, repeated scientific polls have shown that the referendum was not false, faked, corrupt, stolen or fraudulent. About as many Crimeans tell pollsters they supported joining Russia as voted for it in the referendum.

The West is simply lying again. Keep in mind that this is all-out, 100% information war on the part of the West. You will never read one single positive thing in the Western media about Russia because the “free press” is in full propaganda mode. In the lands of “freedom of speech” not one single major media outlet, newspaper, newsmagazine, TV news or radio news can be found anywhere in the “Free World” that takes a dissident line on Russia. Every single news organ in the West is in full propaganda war mode against Russia.

The press in the West is about as free as North Korea’s media. Freedom of speech in the West is a cruel joke.