End of Month View – October 2013

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Finally, there is some progress to report in the front garden.  I have been bemoaning for months the row of descampsia that were planted at the end of the lawn and how they really weren’t giving the effect I had hoped for.  A week or so ago I blogged about finally biting the bullet and removing them and how this really was the right decision to make.

I will be adding some Tulip Ballerina to continue those planted along the left hand side and also some Crocosmia in this area to add to the orange and red spots of color that are already apparent in the Grevillea and Salvias.

I have already added Fritillaria meleagris along the beech hedge.  It gets very damp here – the soil is heavy clay and I suspect there is a spring running in this area.  I am hoping that the Fritillaria will add to the bulb display in spring.  I am also hoping that the Alchemilla mollis and Bergenia will start to bulk up along this border.

The red highlights continue along the side of the driveway but I have added some dark blue bearded irises in this area which hopefully will add a blowsy look in early summer.  Again there are crocosmia in this border, this time a lovely pale orange one with fawn foliage.

So that’s the front garden at the end of October.  I am sure that when I look back over these posts over the last year there won’t be that much of a change from month to month but this is a newly planted area that I am still trying to get right.

It would be great if you joined in with this monthly meme.  You can use it as you wish – some people look at the same part of the garden month on month, some do a tour of the garden, whatever suits you  but many have found it helps them to really focus on a part of the garden.  However, it would be great if you could link to this post in yours and leave a link to your post in the comment box so we can all come and have a look.