The corner border is beginning to fill out and there are more narcissus than I remember planting but isn’t that always the way. I have added three grasses to the border to add some movement and interest. I’m not sure which grasses they are since they weren’t labelled at the garden I visited and it appears as though the parent plant was wrongly labelled in the border so I will wait for them to flower and see if I can identify them. I have also planted out some Campanula Telham Beauty and I hope the blue will work well with the pink of the roses: Handel and another pinky one. I have also transplanting some white Japanese Anemones to brighten the corner later in the year. The white Cleome and Corncockles are coming on and will be planted out amongst the grasses in a month or so. Oh you can’t see the gasses as I have cut them back.
I thought you might like a couple of pictures of parts of the rest of the garden. It has suddenly put on weight over the last week or so. The unseasonally high temperatures and dewy nights have prompted a lot of growth. Unusually for me I am quite pleased with how it looks! This is the first spring when I have really been able to indulge myself completely in the garden and I think it shows. I feel quite chuffed and hopefully the garden will continue to get better and better over the season. I can’t wait for the bamboos to put on some height along the back fence and for the various shrubs I have planted along the side boundary to fill out.
I would love it if you joined in the End of Month view post. Just do a post on the last day of the month (or nearly the last day!) and post a link in the comment box. I tend to look at the same part of the garden each month for a year and it helps me be more critical but it is up to you what you want to do – the more the merrier.