End of Month View June 2018

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

What a change a month brings.  Last month I was bemoaning my inability to get sunny photos of the garden; this month it has been a challenge to take photos without the bright sun bleeding out the light.

We have had no rain for two weeks now, possibly longer. There are some plants which are struggling but so far they are the ones that normally die back in the summer, only to reappear in the autumn or spring such as primulas and sensitive ferns.  I am watering the garden a couple of times a week focussing on the newer plantings and then pots every night, well most nights.

Before the heat hit I managed to plant out the rest of the annuals and also quite a few of the plants I bought in Somerset.  One of the main changes is the planting of Buddleja salviifolia in the big border.  It had been growing on the back bank for a few years but was rather exposed and suffered this winter.  So I’ve moved it to a more sheltered position with better drainage and given it a good prune to help it focus on developing its roots.  I have under planted this silver leaved shrub with a selection of plants with silver and burgundy leaves or red, cerise or pale pink flowers.  I am hoping it will create an interesting tapestry next year when the plants have matured.

I am pleased though that the Regal Fern (Osmunda reglis) isn’t yet showing signs of collapsing in the heat. Normally, it is one of the first to give in but I think that having removed the Catalpa from the border there is more moisture in the border helping the plants to survive the heat.  The Shade Border is now so full that you can’t get down the path at the back of it and somewhere in there the cat is hiding from the heat.

So that is my garden at the end of a hot and dry June, here’s hoping that July will bring with it some rain to water the garden.

I would love to see how your garden is doing wherever you are in the world so why not join in with the End of Month View.  All I ask is that you post a link to your post in the comment box below and link to this post in yours.
