End of Month View: February 2017

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I thought I would use my wide-angle lens to give you a better idea of the whole front garden. The photograph is taken from the top of the driveway; the gravel path leads to the side gate as the driveway leads to the front door - if that makes sense. The smaller border near the house is beginning to fill up as the bulbs push their way through the compost. There are numerous daffodil bulbs and over the last week the tulips I planted in the autumn have started to appear.

This is a wide-angle from the side gate. As you can see it is a little shadier at this end of the path due to mine and my neighbour's houses so I have more shade lovers in this area including ferns.

A closer view of the main part of the garden. I had hoped to have dug all of this over, weeded and mulched by now but my injuries that I mentioned last week have prevented me. However, I did manage an hour this weekend and have mulched the area I have done. The focus of the border is really late Autumn as it is full of asters. I really like the effect of the miniature daffodils so I am thinking that once I have sorted out the perennial planting I will cram this border with lots of bulbs - crocus, miniature daffodils, tulips, and to finish alliums. I need to rejig some of the planting as either the plants have been in a while in the old border and need pulling forward before the Grevillea swamps them or they were planted quickly last summer where a space was available. I am hoping this monthly meme will help be get my eye in and work out the right combinations. Hopefully by the end of March there will be more to see.

All are welcome to join in with the End of Month Meme, you can use it how you wish. I just ask that you link back to this blog and it would be great if you could leave a link to your post in the comment box below so we can all come and have a peek at your plot.