End of Month View – August 2018

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

The garden is looking a lot fresher since now we have had a couple of weeks of more changeable weather, with cooler temperatures and lots of rain.  The ferns either side of the bench were so desiccated by the heat that I cut them back hard sometime in July and now here we are with lots of fresh growth.  I don’t know if I show this area much but its at the top of the garden and is shady with a lovely view down the garden.  My tender fern collection is nestled here too in the left corner of the gravel. The assorted rocks are some of left overs from digging up the top path – I’m sure I will find something to do with them but at the moment I’m not sure what.

My usual first photo for an EOMV post.  The color is a little washed out due to the low light levels this evening.  I’m hoping that next year the rose and clematis, planted under the obelisk, will get their act together and put on a better show.

The chaos of the Big Border which has done relatively well this year in the heat.  I replanted the area to the right just before the heat wave so the plants have done well considering.

A view from the top of the garden where the new woodland border is.  This shows the old pond and bog garden which I filled in a few years back.  I’m impressed with how well the plants in this border have come through the drought and it shows that the pond lining, which I left in with holes punctured,  retains water better than I thought.  I’m pretty pleased with the path above as a few weeks ago it was impassable due to weeds.  Just one of the small things I have achieved in the garden since the heat abated but there is still so much to do.

The final view is of the grass path.  The path would benefit from a cut but I have only cut it twice over the summer partly because it just wasn’t growing much and partly to avoid that hideous parched look that some lawns have.

So that’s my back garden at the end of August, and I apologize for the bleached photos, hopefully next month I’ll manage to find time to take them in better light.

How has your garden fared over the summer?  Why not join in the End of Month View.  All I ask is that you leave a link to your post in the comments below and link to this post in your post.
