End of Month View – Aug 2011

By Hurtlingtowards60 @ronitee

According to the Guardian the UK has had the coolest summer for 18 years.   Apart from a few sunny warm days, August has been dismal and depressing, not very different to how I have felt.  I have spent very little time working in the garden this past month, which is fortunate really as there is not a lot to do in August apart from general housekeeping, such as dead heading and mowing the lawn.  I always see August as a bit of a twilight zone, the growth period slows down, gaps are appearing and everything is beginning to run out of steam, including me.  I even traded in my push mower for an electric version which hoovers up the grass as it goes.

The fruit and veg are still producing well, although the french runner beans are coming to an end.  I manage a daily picking of raspberries, however, I noticed that some of them are being eaten by wood lice – does anyone else know of that happening?   The Elderberries, although not as many as last year because I pruned the tree too drastically, are looking good and ready to be turned into Elderberry juice.   As for the Gardeners Delight tomatoes, they are still deciding whether to go red or be turned into green tomato chutney.

On the south-facing patio, down the side of the house, the Fuchsias are still in full bloom and clash brilliantly with the Gerbera, which is having a second go at flowering.

In a recent  post I showed photos of the magnificent yellow Rudbeckia and when asked what they were called I said that I didn’t know the variety because they came in a mixed packet of seeds. Having recently looked through my seed tin, I realised this was totally wrong, they are Irish Spring and I am hoping they will grow again next year.  They seem to be excellent value and are certainly resilient to slugs and snails, which is a big bonus.   Just behind the Rudbeckia, the sugary pink Michaelmas Daisies are coming into flower.  I really should give them a bit more support, the weight of the flowers is making them lean sideways.  The Compassion Rose continues to bloom but is slowing down now, and the Japanese anemones opposite them are standing tall and strong as usual.  I suspect they will continue until the end of September.

I noticed that the honeysuckle (Lonicera) which usually only flowers in the Spring is yet another plant with a second show this year.  It’s directly opposite the kitchen door and is lovely to see as I come in and out of the house.

I love Agapanthus which are now in seed and look just as lovely as they did in their other stages of growth.   The Potentilla I moved last year sulked for the rest of the season, but seems to have decided to make a go of it this year which  is good because it is a pretty variety.   Lastly, where would a garden be at the end of August without Sedum, this photo is just one small part of a very large plant.  I gave it a Chelsea Chop and then panicked because it looked as though it wasn’t going to do anything but it is flowering in abundance, which is a relief.

As I come to the end of this post, the only photo missing is one of the many spiders webs that now adorn the garden in the mornings.  No doubt I will have the opportunity to take many photos in the coming dewy September mornings.

I can’t end an End of Month View without recognition to Helen at Patient Gardener who hosts this meme.