End of Month Review: September 2022

By Ozhene @papaver

So here we are in October and the garden is feeling rather mellow, I'm not sure I am, but the garden is. The night temperatures have dipped a little but mainly the air and soil is still warm. I have fetched some houseplants indoors from their summer holidays in the garden, but mainly the nights are not that cold.

In the driveway, the Pin Oak, one of my favourite impulse buys, it taking on its Autumn coat of many colours. This tree was planted eight years ago and has settled in well.

By the front door there is Morning Glory and Spanish Flag growing through the Gertrude Jekyll rose. They are just starting to flower, which feels rather late but is better late than never. I think a couple more weeks as long as the temperature does not drop much further, will see them reach their peak.

The planter full of annual bedding is being dominated by the begonias and I do not mind at all. They have grown so well, I bought them as a plug plant collection and they have flowered for months.

I have planted up a hanging basket for Autumn/Winter colour; this is currently hanging from the bird feeder until there is space by the front door. The front door basket is not yet over so I do not want to hurt its feeling by moving it until its time is done.

It was breezy on the day I took these photographs and you can see the Stewartia has toppled over in the Courtyard.

Whilst as said above, the tender house-dwelling begonias have moved indoors, there are still plenty of plants in the Courtyard. The aspidistras live outside all year and you can see the autumn colour of the Rhododendron Lutea and the Prunus kojo no mai. When the nights get frosty the pelagoniums and the yellow bistro set will move indoors to avoid the worst of the weather.

The Heptacodium miconiodes (better known as the Hexadecimal), is filling this part of the garden with scent.

Unusually, the Magnolia stellata in the Conservatory Border is flowering again. I have never known this before and think it is the impact of the drought. This shrub and some others in the garden, have been fooled into thinking that it is Spring. I worry that this might mean no flowers next year as there will not be enough time to form new ones.

I had similar concerns for the Edgeworthia chrysantha, who struggled a lot in the drought and I had to keep watering. I wondered if I would get flowers next year but it looks to me like buds are forming.

There are clematis still in flower in the garden.

and there are even some Californian poppies flowering the meadow hanging basket (ok, not a meadow from around here obviously).

and when I am weeding I am finding the self-sown seedlings of cerinthe. A good sign of Autumn and the joy of Spring to come.

The Pond Border is looking a little brown where the Crocosmia has all but died in the drought. The sedums punch their rhythm of red along the border. They are thankfully drought tolerant and have not suffered this year as other plants have.

There is a pretty tumble of asters and Althea cannabina in the Pond Border, they seem to be growing well now that the rain has returned.

The Prairie Borders are in their Autumn transition.

and the birds are enjoying the windfall apples.

The Hamamelis, that usually flowers first, is looking dead. I am not convinced it is dead, but....

Whereas the Hamamelis in the Wild Garden, that is a bit pathetic most of the time, is thinking about releasing its shred-like flowers early.

The Twisted Hazel is also prepping for Spring, the first signs of catkins are emerging.

and the Euonymus is bejewelled with its finest berries. A dull tree most of the year, but now it is proving its worth.

The Euphorbia mellifera relocated from the veg garden, is now looking almost recovered. It lost quite a few leaves from the shock of being moved but there are signs of new shoots emerging and I think it will be ok.

In the greenhouse I have some Begonia luxurians and Justicia carnea propagated earlier this year. They will over winter indoors and then be ready for planting out next year in the Exotic Border.

The Pond water level is now improved, but it is so full of weeds it is hard to tell. I shall remedy this, promise.

The garden is recovering well from weeks of no rain and now we start looking towards the Winter that will soon be with us. The seasons keep turning: until then.....

Take care and be kind.