Empowering Message of the Whales for This Time.

By Angellightheart @engelencoaching

We live in such special times. We, in the Netherlands, as not used to seeing whales in the wild. So when on the cosmic portal day 12-12-12 a humpback whale stranded on a small Dutch Island this was a huge happening. The lovely whale did not survive. Today, just as we are heading towards 21-12-2012 two healthy humpback whales have been spotted off the Dutch coast where they were jumping and frolicking in the sea.

A good moment to share with you a message from Orca Granny as given to Mary Getten, author of “Communicating with Orca’s”:

“Granny, in a few days it will be the shortest day of the year, when the light from the sun is not strong and shines the least number of hours. We call this day Solstice and many traditions consider this day sacred. A few days after that is a holiday called Christmas that is very important to many people around the world. Do you have a message for humanity at this special time of year?

Oh my dears, you have no idea how special this time of year really is. This is an opportunity for you to go inside and reflect on your lives. Are you fulfilling your purpose? Are you bringing peace and love into the world? Use this darkest of times to examine your life and see where you can make a difference. Each person is not an island, but an individual part of the whole. Everything that you do or say will affect everyone else, and when I say everyone, I don’t just mean humans. I mean every single being on this planet, and there are many more beings that are not human than are. If you could only see how your thoughts, words, deeds and actions ripple out into the world, I know you would do better and be more conscious. This is the change that needs to happen for your world, our world, to be whole.

You see the violence in the world and you wonder how to stop it. It begins within your self. Fighting against it will never work, but creating a larger field of love will change it quickly. Are you really that powerful? Yes. Yes you are, but until you accept that, and work from this perspective, nothing will change. You must embrace this reality and remind yourself in each and every moment that the way to change the world is to change yourself, one thought and action at a time. Open your hearts, be the shining lights that you are. Radiate the energy of love to every corner of the planet and every being that exists. We are all connected.

Granny, there are those that say that in 4 days, on 12-21-12, there will be a shift on this planet. Some say that it will be mass destruction, others say it will affect our consciousness. Do you have any information or advice about this day?

Do not be in fear about this day. It is indeed an auspicious time with powerful planetary alignments, but it will not be the end of the world. However, there is great potential on that day and the days around it, for humans to open their hearts and raise their consciousness. These opportunities have come before, but this one is especially powerful, so use your time wisely this week. Spend time in contemplation. Go inside and see where you can put your energy to help the world. It is time for humanity to come together and use its strength and power for good, to see each other as brothers and not as competition, to build love and not fear. You CAN do this, but you must set your intention and follow through with action. Just meditating at a certain hour will not change much. You need to ask for insight and then follow through with what you receive. I have great hope that in the coming years humanity will wake up and take giant leaps forward in consciousness. I do not think that it will happen in one day, but if you desire this change, you can certainly put this change into motion at this time. And remember that it does not take everyone to make this change – it only takes enough of you to create a new wave of energy that will displace the old. Do not doubt – Go for it!

Remember that the whales and dolphins are here cheering for you. We are always available to help you – you only need to ask. Together everything is possible and we know that you can create the vision that we have been holding for centuries – a planet of peace, love and harmony. Now is the time to cement this reality, to call upon it, to bring it to physicality and never give up or let this vision go.

Thank you Granny. Is there anything else you would like to say?

Do not put this off. The time is long overdue and you have an incredible opportunity this week to set the new world in motion. Things can change, things will change, if you go deep within, listen and take action. Do not fear – instead radiate love. My blessings to you at this important and potent time.”