Employee Monitoring: How Far Is Too Far? (Updated)

Posted on the 23 November 2022 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22

Hybrid work has become a norm in the world after the pandemic. Employee monitoring and surveillance tools have gained popularity. So, employers look forward to remote employee surveillance tools. It monitors their workforce activities no time ever before. They love to watch productivity and engagement. Also prevent many activities of employees during working hours. But monitoring on business-owned devices has raised a serious and controversial debate. Digital supervision of employees comes up with ethical and unethical tracking of employees. So, let's learn about employee monitoring; how far is too far?

What Do You Need To Know About Employees Monitoring?

Employee monitoring is a topic that brings out an ethical side to it. It brings valid points from both sides of the argument. It is the employer's right to ensure employees use time at work effectively. But also, they can prevent company equipment from harming the company's reputation. Creating an atmosphere of constant data monitoring leads to discontent within the workplace. It would also suggest distrust on the management's part.

Employee surveillance is watching what the employee does at work. It can include video surveillance, email scanning, and anything. With the pace at which technology is advancing, employers are using monitoring apps.

Do you know about the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986? It is the only law in the U.S. that protects employees from workplace surveillance. It prohibits employers from eavesdropping on the personal conversations of employees on purpose. The law doesn't consider social media and other forms of communication today.

Pros & Cons of Employees Tracking on Business Devices

Here are the following pros and cons of doing surveillance or keeping tabs on employees using a monitoring app on business devices:

Pros Of Employee Monitoring That You Need To Know About:

  • At First, monitoring helps stop inappropriate behaviors of employees at work. Visiting inappropriate content is a behavior that misuses the company's time.
  • Social media and gaming websites access are productivity risks to employers. It can even be a waste of company money and a breach of contract.
  • Tracking can also help protect the company's data from theft. The electronic transfer of a company's information could lead to lost trade secrets.
  • Employee monitoring prevents activity that endangers the company's reputation. Employee tracking also maintains corporate professionalism.
  • Without keeping tabs on employees, a hostile work environment creates objectionable material. Being passed around could lead to legal charges against the company.
While The Above Were The Pros Of Monitoring, There Are Some Cons.

Cons Of Doing Surveillance Or Tracking Of Employees:

  • First, it would consider an invasion of privacy. It is inevitable for workers to use the workplace computer for personal matters.
  • Monitoring also has an issue of fairness. It is usually the entry-level or intermediate workers who are under surveillance. But top brats of employees remain free.
  • Monitoring could also lead to a negative effect on the morale of the employees.
  • An element of distrust occurs between the employees due to such tracking. When people feel they are constantly under surveillance, they may be unable to focus on the task. But instead of the wrong actions, they may be committing, which could lead to them getting fired.
  • The best thing to tell your employees is that they are under surveillance. The chance of managers telling the truth is high due to their moral ethics.

Rules & Regulations To Monitor Employees At The Workplace

Here are the rules and policies for keeping employees under surveillance. Let's discuss it in the following:
  • An employer should follow the law to watch the employees' personal information. They can establish, manage, and terminate an employment relationship with anyone.
  • It is necessary to have the consent of the employee whenever an employer wants to collect and use it.
  • Employers should protect employees' privacy when they use business devices for personal activities.
  • Employers can make a policy. Employers cannot use business devices for their activities. Otherwise, a breach of privacy would not be objectionable.
  • Employers can discuss with their employees why monitoring and recording videos are legal.
  • Ensure an employer uses Employee monitoring apps and other equipment for legal activities.
  • Ensure your employee that email monitoring and call recording is legal. Further, browsing history monitoring and GPS tracking are also for lawful purposes.
  • Recording of videos keystrokes and social media surveillance is the employer's property only. The employer should keep monitored data under protection.

Are Remote Monitoring Apps Invasive? Are They Legal To Use On Phones & Computers?

Remote spying and surveillance applications are all invasive. The legality of monitoring solutions for employee's depending on the users. How would an employer use them? You cannot blame tracking software for breaching someone's privacy. It is always an employer or a user who breaches someone's privacy on cellphones or PCs.

So, surveillance tools are not illicit and intrusive unless the users want them to be. Any app that accesses employees' keystrokes, chats, browsing history, and others is legal. Many apps encourage or discourage employers from monitoring their employees ethically or unethically. Employers can use solutions that enable employers to track employees ethically, like TheOneSpy.

What Is The Legal Way To Use Surveillance Software On Business Devices?

  • Employers should inform their employees that they are under surveillance.
  • Install a remote monitoring solution on business-owned devices for employees working from home.
  • Avoid spying on personal emails, cell phone calls, and your employees' IM activity.
  • Don't keep a record of the personal social media passwords of employees. It would consider a privacy breach.
  • Only allow devices to be taken home if employees use them for personal activities.
  • Always get written consent from the employees before using a monitoring solution.
  • Prefer to choose ethical monitoring tools that discourage employers from illicit surveillance
  • Monitor cell phones and computer devices that belong to the company's property.
  • Don't hack business phones when employees are at homes, toilets, and other areas.
  • Don't opt for remote employee tracking solutions. Monitoring is only possible with physical access.

Which Is The Best & Legal Employee Monitoring App?

Many apps you can see on the web that clams to be legal, non-invasive, and best one. But you need to get your hands on TheOneSpy app. It is a well-known surveillance tool for phones, and computer devices. Here are the following OS that are compatible with this spying software:

  • Android
  • iPhones
  • Windows
  • MAC

How To Use TheOneSpy App To Spy On Business Phones & Laptop Desktops

You must subscribe to tracking software for a cell phone or computer. After your subscription, you can install our solution on your target device. You need physical access to configure the app and then activate it for remote monitoring on phones and desktop devices. You can use the following features on any cell phone or PC with TheOneSpy software.

With a screen recorder, employers can record live videos on any cellphone or computer device. Users can record videos to see what your employees are doing. So, in real-time, employers can see emails, social media, and browsing history on business devices.

You can schedule screenshots on android, iPhones, MAC, and Windows devices. Employers can see the captured screenshots using an online dashboard.

You can capture keystrokes of applied keystrokes on phones and PCs. Likewise; you can record messages, chats, passwords, IMs', and email keystrokes.

Employers can see what websites employees have visited with timestamps and URLs. You can also see the bookmarking on business devices.

Employers can hack the front cameras of the targeted devices to capture photos to see whether your employees are active or hanging out here and there.

Users can record and listen to the phone's surroundings by taking over the microphone and sending data to the dashboard.

Employers can track the GPS location of the hybrid workforce or work in the field outside the company's premises. They can see the Geo-location of employees on Google Maps. Further, you can track the route maps of your employees.

Users can crack passwords on any cell phone or computer device with TheOneSpy. Likewise, users can chase home screen, pin, and pattern passwords on any cell phone device.

Call Recording

With a secret call recorder, employers can record live incoming and outgoing calls on another cell phone. Employers can listen to employees' live calls when dealing with clients.

Employers can use an employee monitoring solution for cell phones to record and listen to one-sided VoIP calls without rooting the target cellphone. VoIP call recorder is one of the best solutions of TheOneSpy app for the surveillance of employees.

Employers can listen to the live surroundings of the employees by connecting business phones' microphones with the TheOneSpy dashboard. It will start streaming live audio conversations of employees around the business-owned phones and tablets.

Block Incoming Calls & SMS

Employers can stop rogue employees from breaching business privacy via cellular messaging and calls. TheOneSpy can block messages and incoming calls on business phones.


TheOneSpy is one of the few legal monitoring apps. It does not encourage employers to use it to breach someone's privacy. It protects monitored data and does not allow users for invasive activities on someone's android, iPhone, windows, and MAC devices. Users can use it as the best legitimate surveillance software to monitor employees on business devices.

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