Emma the Musical Streaming Online: Special Discount for My Jane Austen Book Club Readers!

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG

I love musicals and theatrical performances. I go to the theater as often as I can, which is not that often considered that I live in a very small town in the center of Italy with no cinemas and no theatres. When I read or post about Austen inspired stage shows I'm really jealous of those lucky audiences who will have the chance to enjoys those performances in the UK or the US. 
What I want to share with all of you, dear readers, is that I've just discovered Streaming Musicals and being offered a discount code for myself and all My Jane Austen Book Club readers to see Emma the Musical streaming online!
Streaming Musicals is a brand new concept that allows to mount and capture musicals and bring them across the globe to people who love musicals and don't have access, just like myself (and many, many others)  They share their profits with the artists who make the films, which is an unprecedented model for the industry. Let's have a look at a one-minute trailer of the show!