Emma Read-along This December: A Few Guidelines

By Bellezza @bellezzamjs

The idea of reading Jane Austen's Emma this December has grown from a few friends I have blogged with, to many I've just been introduced to for the first time. What a wonderful gathering we have for the reading of Emma 's 200th anniversary!

I feel that I ought to set up a teensy bit of structure for us, but please know that these few guidelines are optional. You may follow along with how I envision to proceed, or you may read the book on December 30 and not write a single post. I am merely writing a few suggestions to satiate the teacher within me, as well as for any participants who would like a few guidelines.

Emma is divided into three volumes. I will be posting my thoughts on each volume the first three Saturdays of the month in order to give a little breathing room for Christmas. Like this:

December 5: Volume 1

December 12: Volume 2

December 19: Volume 3

I'd rather post thoughts and reflections than address specific discussion questions, so please feel free to do the same. Again, you may follow this timeline or any timeframe which works for you. The important thing is to enjoy the novel.

The 200th Annotated Anniversary Edition published by Penguin has an introduction by Juliette Wells which includes Tips for Reading Emma. She suggests that the reader:

  • paces himself/herself
  • reads passages aloud
  • tries an audiobook
  • remembers that Emma contains little plot (admitted by Austen's own contemporaries)
  • and rereads parts of Emma that interested, or frustrated, you the first time around

Finally, if you wish to tweet about our read-along you can use #Emma200th on Twitter.

And please, if you think of something you'd like to add, or ask, write about it in the comments. I am so looking forward to reading this book with all of you and having the opportunity to share in your thoughts and insights. All are welcome!