Emboridered Birthday Tablecloth

By Nclark
Some 7 years ago, a friend of mine asked if I could embroider a tablecloth for her son's first birthday.  She had the beyond brilliant idea of putting his hand prints on the tablecloth every year!  I thought this was such a cool idea, I knew I had to do one of my own when I had kids.
So, fast-forward now 7 years - I made a tablecloth for Madailein's first birthday and have attempted to put her hand prints on it each year.  With Miss Madailein it was a struggle because she detested the feel of paint on her hands!  I could  not get hand prints the first year, the second year ended up being only one hand; the third year started to get much better!  But, I have this awesome keepsake of each birthday. 
This was one of the first things I embroidered, and boy can you tell! 
In the middle of the tablecloth, I embroidered "Happy Birthday Madailein" and then her birth date, surrounded by some cute birthday designs.  In each of the bottom corners of the tablecloth, I embroidered balloons and cupcakes. 
(Please ignore the wrinkles!  It's been folded for a few months!)

I usually have the tablecloth on the gift table and it looks so adorable with all the hand prints at the bottom!

With Caitlyn, I totally forgot to make a tablecloth for her first birthday - so I decided to do something different for hers.  Stay tuned for that in October!  Happy Crafting!