Embed Google Docs into WordPress: Social Media Lesson #7

Posted on the 04 October 2011 by Socialmediaevie @socialmediaevie

Image via Wikipedia

We will use Google Docs to manage our group projects online. It is easy to embed your Google Docs: spreadsheets, documents, forms, and presentations into your WordPress.com blog by copying and pasting the “iframe” embed code.

To publish any of your docs, follow these guidelines:

1. Open the document you want to like to publish.

2. Click the Share drop-down menu on the top right of the page and select Publish to the Web….

3. Click the Start publishing button. A link to the published doc appears in the publishing dialog.

4. Send this link to anyone you’d like to access your doc.

Create a post for your company’s mission and business description using the library databases in your Google Doc. Use these instructions to embed the information into your blog post.


To add a spreadsheet from Google Docs, open it and click on the share button at the top right corner of your screen. Click on the “Publish as a web page” link.

Click on the “Start publishing” button:

From the second dropdown menu select the “HTML to embed in a page” option:

The last step is to copy/paste the iframe code into a Post, Page or Text Widget in your WordPress.com blog.

To share a form click on “More Actions” and select “Embed”:

Copy/paste the iframe code into your blog:


To share a presentation set the privacy settings then click “Share”:

Click on “Publish document”:

And then copy/paste the iframe code into your blog but change to toolbar to HTML instead of Visual:

Google Docs Documents

To share a document, click “Share” then select “Publish to the Web…”:

Click on “Start publishing”:

And then copy/paste the iframe code into your blog. Watch this video for instructions:
