Elvive Triple Resist Reinforcing Shampoo | Review

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Hi Pixies! Ever since I was a teenager my hair has been very brittle and fine, meaning that it has a nasty habit of falling out in small clumps and it also tends to go greasy extremely quickly. I have no idea why this is, maybe it's from where I spent a good year dyeing the hell out of it. In the past I've tried numinous different shampoos and non seemed to agree with my hair, the closest being Voscene Medicated shampoo and the Aussie 3 minute reconstructing conditioner, but even that after a while stopped showing any effect.
Last month I picked up the Triple Resist Reinforcing shampoo from Elvive and hoped for the best as it claimed to reinforce 'fragile hair with a tendency to fall'. I thought well that sounds like me so I made my purchase and popped it in my bathroom ready for when I'd wash my hair next.
I was able to see a noticeable difference in about a week (for reference, I was my hair every other day) and I was pleased as punch that it seemed to be helping my hair a lot. The real test was when I took down my hair from a bun after ballet and only the odd two hairs fell out, compared to the miniature clump that used to end up in my hands along with the hair grips. I've also noticed that it doesn't get as greasy as easily which makes a lovely sand much welcome change, even sometimes when I go to wash it it's not as bad as it used to be.
I'm now onto my second bottle and I'm still going strong, fingers crossed that my hair doesn't have as change of heart as this shampoo sees like a real winner as it actually does what it says on the tin... Well bottle. I've been considering trying out the conditioner that goes along side it but I think I'll wait and see just a little while longer.