Eltham Palace Invites — Art Deco Luxury Wedding Invitations by Wendy Bell

By Claire

Wendy Bell is a (very lovely!) Lon­don based wed­ding sta­tionery designer who pro­vides a truly per­sonal ser­vice, cre­at­ing strik­ing and unique lux­ury wed­ding invi­ta­tions and sta­tionery which encap­su­late her clients’ per­sonal tastes. Her nat­ural eye for design, and her ded­i­ca­tion to cre­at­ing the per­fect invi­ta­tion, mean these art deco invites are some of the most strik­ing you’ll see.

These brand new bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions have been designed for an Eltham Palace wed­ding in an art deco style.
London’s Eltham Palace is a mag­nif­i­cent wed­ding venue, and one of the UK’s most spec­tac­u­lar art deco venues. It’s offi­cially a royal res­i­dence, and is man­aged by Eng­lish Her­itage. Inside, the decor is art deco at its very best. The venue has been described as a “mas­ter­piece of mod­ern design” (source — Wikipedia)… and these stun­ningly beau­ti­ful art deco wed­ding invi­ta­tions have been per­fectly designed to set the scene for a wed­ding there.

More about WBD Designer Wed­ding Sta­tionery, London

WBD Designer Wed­ding Sta­tionery is based on the out­skirts of Lon­don, though we’re more than happy to take com­mis­sions from any­where across the UK. Our aim is to turn your thoughts and ideas into a real­ity. Alter­na­tively, if you’re not sure what you’re look­ing for, it’s our job to fig­ure that out and make sure you’re truly sat­is­fied with the prod­ucts that you’re paying for.

  • Visit the WBD Designer Wed­ding Sta­tionery web­site at www.wendybelldesigns.com and www.wendybelldesigns.co.uk
  • See the lat­est news from WBD Designer Wed­ding Sta­tionery in ‘Wendy’s World’ (love this name!) on the blog — click Wendy’s World
  • Get in touch: wendy@wendybelldesigns.com