Twitter soon after becoming the owner of Elon Musk has taken several major decisions for the popular micro-blogging website Twitter. Now Twitter CEO Elon Musk said on Friday that the social media platform will cut content subscriptions by 10 percent after the first year i.e. after 12 months. Explaining the reason for this, the company said that it wants to monetize the content on the website to diversify its revenue source. Read further for details.
Twitter will cut content subscriptions
Elon Musk said that the company will not cut content subscriptions for the first 12 months. The company’s advertising revenue declined last year due to its $44 billion (roughly Rs. 3,59,700 crores) acquisition that closed in October. After this, Musk is bringing changes on Twitter to increase revenue.
Will not take more percentage in the second year
For your information, let us tell you that Musk also said that the company’s subscription cut on iOS and Android platforms will come down to 15 percent in the second year. Please tell that in the first year it was 30 percent.
For the next 12 months, Twitter will keep none of the money. Content creators will receive whatever money Twitter receives from subscriptions.
Twitter’s goal is to maximize creator prosperity.
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) April 28, 2023
Blue tick removed for all accounts
This is not the first time Twitter is taking such a big decision. Even before this, recently Musk has taken an important step regarding Blue Tick Verified Accounts on Twitter. Now all users have to take Twitter Blue subscription to get blue tick for their account. The company has now removed all the blue ticks found on the old account.
Recently, blue ticks have been removed from the accounts of many people including popular actors. Since then many accounts have started taking blue tick subscription.
Twitter Verified account will get priority
Now the company has also announced that Twitter Verified account will get priority. This means tweets from accounts with the verification badge will get priority. Apart from this, Elon Musk has also announced to improve Twitter safety and transparency. Musk tweeted that Twitter’s transparency and fairness are being improved, but there is still a lot of work to be done.