Elon Musk is the groovy new capitalist that all the groovy new Silicon Valley type new, groovy, cool, good, not-bad capitalist love. Of course capitalists are all pieces of crap. That goes without saying. But according to these new cool capitalists, Musk and the rest of these newfangled capitalists are different. They’re actually good people! Capitalists can be good after all! Who knew.
I was skeptical from the start. Musk is a capitalist, as capitalist as they come. So I was extremely dubious about this man and his much-shouted name. Turns out he’s not different at all. Like the rest of the capitalists, Musk sucks!
The first inkling I had that Elon Musk was a typical capitalist piece of crap was an eyeopening article about how he was treating his workers at his plant in San Jose. Seems the workers were being badly abused (Imagine that! A capitalist badly abusing his workers!), were poorly paid, overworked, and Musk kept threatening them every time they tried to form a union. The workers hated Musk. They wanted to form a union so they could go mano to mano with this guy and his equally lousy management, but Musk kept impaling them every time they tried. Of course the article featured the requisite lies by Musk (this was another clue that he sucked – he lies as much as he breathes like all capitalists) insisting that everything was fine, there were no problems, the workers were well paid, happy, not overworked or exploited, and no one was trying to stop anyone from trying to form a union. He was lying through his teeth like all capitalists do all day long. My opinion of him crashed.
Here’s another article today about Musk sucks. Turns out he’s a car salesman. And it turns out that that;s why he’s crap, just like every businessman who owns a carmaking company. The reason car manufacturers are scum is because from the moment they formed, they have worked hand over foot to destroy any and all mass transit schemes. There’s nothing a carmaker hates more than mass transit. LA used to have little red cars but an actual conspiracy involving tire manufacturers, car companies and maybe so me others got together and schemed and plotted to destroy the little red cars. And destroy them they did. In their place, they covered LA with freeways which now barely even move.
You guessed it. Elon Musk hates mass transit. He really, really, really, really hates mass transit. And of course he lies like a rug about it too, since as a capitalist, he is a congenital liar. Musk’s lousy vision of the future has no mass transit at all. Instead, everyone has some weird autonomous vehicle thing. People have done the math and figured out that when Musk’s dream comes true, there will twice as many vehicles on the road as there are now. Twice as many traffic accidents. Twice as many traffic deaths. Twice as much air pollution and greenhouse gases.
To deal with congestion, Musk has come up with some wild idea called Bore. He’s going to drill holes underground and build roads on them! You are thinking this is some wild revolutionary idea until you sit back and realize that Elon Musk just came up with this incredible new invention called a subway! It might be nice if we could have trains running underground, like, you know, subways? But nope, Musk wants to turn these underground tunnels into superhighways full of individual vehicles. Vehicles that snake oil salesman Musk wants to sell to you, that huckster!
The balloon is punctured. There are no good capitalists. The nature of capitalism makes sure that is the case as any decent capitalist is immediately driven out of business by the ratfucks.
Silicon Valley is crap.
New, groovy capitalists are crap just as we suspected.
And of course, Elon Musk is crap because he has to be.
Welcome to the New World! Same as the Old World! Welcome to the new crap. Same as the old crap!