Elizabeth Warren is a Dangerous Narcisist

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

In my real life as Bruce Wayne :D, I receive email blasts from the Leftist organization, MoveOn.org, as a way of keeping tabs on the enemy. The email below surprised even me.

Ms. Warren is known to be a complete fraud in her claims to be a member of the Cherokee tribe. Her “minority status” enabled her to con her way into lucrative positions in education and government. 

Well, now she seems to have gone completely off her meds. She is now calling herself the real life version of Olivia Pope, the protagonist in the popular TV series, “Scandal.” So now, she’s not only Native American, she’s also African American, and quite attractive.

Can anybody out there say, “Al Gore?”

Dear MoveOn member,

Do you watch the T.V. show Scandal?

In fictional Washington, D.C., if you’ve got a problem there’s only one person to call: Olivia Pope. She and her team of “gladiators” captivate the audience of ABC’s hit show as they “handle” whatever problems come their way.

Olivia Pope’s television antics may seem far fetched, but in real life there actually is someone taking on the biggest issues in Washington—her name is Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Scandal returns to the airwaves tonight so, before it comes on, will you check out this fun list of ways Elizabeth Warren is our real life gladiator and and then share it with your friends?

Let’s make sure all the Scandal fans watching tonight’s episode know to tune into the Run Warren Run campaign too.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mark, Stephen, Ben O., Maria, and the rest of the team

No, you cannot make this up.
And no, I don’t think I’m Bruce Wayne. :D