Eli Cohen for Mayor of Bet Shemesh, Announcements

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
I am a member of the RBS campaign headquarters for Eli Cohen for Mayor. There are a few announcements I want to share with you, residents of Bet Shemesh and specifically RBS:
Chugei Bayit
The next Chug Bayit in RBS for Eli Cohen will IYH be this Tuesday, 4/6 
At the Maltzs in Ramat Shiloh, 38/8 Ein Gedi
The meeting will start at 20:30 (8:30 PM)
If you wish, or are willing, to host a chug bayit, pleas be in touch so we can schedule it. You do not [yet] have to even be convinced you want to support Eli Cohen for mayor. The purpose of the chug bayit is to learn about the candidate.
Kenes, Sunday 9/6 - Save the date!! At 19.30 at Eshkol Payis in Migdal Hamayim
There will be a huge Kenes for the Eli Cohen campaign
Eli will give more details of his vision
In addition, the round tables that Eli set up for Bet Shemesh residents to formulate the problems and their solutions, will be presenting their findings.
The evening will be another opportunity to hear from Eli and show the whole City that we are part of the growing campaign to bring real, positive change to our City.
This is a very important event. If you want to hear more details of Eli Cohen's vision for Bet Shemesh, you should make a point to come to this event.
Publicizing Names in Support of Eli Last week's local papers included the first list of residents who support Eli. If you would like your name to be included in future adverts, let us know and we will make sure your name is added.
Signs We have more campaign signs for homes. If you would like a sign for your home, let us know and we will get one round to you.

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