Elf on the Shelf 2015 - More Ideas

By Khourianya @khourianya

I'm a little late posting the elf shenanigans this week...ah well. Tis the season to be busy....

Every Elf mom needs a list of lazy or late ideas....

I have to admit - I'm a little surprised more people didn't get this one. Just me and a friend of mine who is a pinup model. We laughed our asses off...

Once an elf craft, always an elf craft...saving things you made in past years can make for fun reuse opportunities.

Raiding the recycle bin for elf crafts can be super fun...and all you need is some washi and a glue gun to pull this one off.

Piggy bank robbery in progress...

The girls had a playdate the day Libby did this...and I heard a chorus of "Darn it. Why does our elf have to be a boy! He never does pretty things like this!"

Another easy one that looks harder than it is...just cover the front of a framed picture and voila!

I have to offer a word of warning to anyone who wants to attempt "Crying over melted snowman" Use a piece of acetate to put the glue on...I started with waxed paper thinking I could peel the dried glue off and as the glue dried, it crinkled the paper and ripped it. Ruined the melted snowman. So I ended up doing a 5am rescue on acetate and the glue was still wet when the girls saw it. But when it dried, it looked amazing...just like a puddle of water. Even better - make it in advance instead of fling by the seat of your pants like I did.

I knew we were going to have a tooth out before Christmas so this one was on the list - I just didn't know when it would be played...well, Buggie lost that tooth last night and voila...she felt special because the elf was in her room especially for something that happened to her. If you've got wiggly teeth in the house, it's a good one to keep in your pocket.

SO there is another week or so of creep-free elf ideas.